0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's website. Our value this term is Justice.

Autumn 2 2023

Year 5 autumn 2 2023 overview.PNG


In Maths, we have finished off our learning on multi-step addition and subtraction problems. We have then moved onto multiplication and division where we have been looking at multiples and factors.

We have also looked at prime numbers, square numbers and cube numbers. Following this, we have looked at and learnt a rule for multplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. 


We have moved onto fractions and have started to look at equivalent fractions and improper and mixed number fractions. 


In English, we have looked at poetry from the book Dark Sky Park by Philip Gross.


In this book, we have looked at two different poems: Night Walker and Extreme sports olympics: lava boarding. We have used the imagery from these poems to draw pictures of the poems.

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We have finished our learning on poetry and have moved onto a book called Curosity: a story of a mars rover.


We have started looking at this story by focusing on what a scientist is and we have used the chrome books to research and learn about Mars and spaceships. 

We have looked at the moon landing and collected information about the moon landing to create a report about the moon landing. 



In Geography, we have started our new learning challenge on biomes and climate zones. We started by learning about what a biome is and focusing on the polar regions. After this we have looked at lines of longitude and latitude and plotted these on a picture of Earth.

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After learning about longitude and latitude, we have looked compared two different countries. We selected a country near the equator and a country in the arctic circle to compare. We used the chrome books to help us research the countries and using this research we have produced a poster on each country. 


We have used all the information that we have learnt this half term to create a board game that we are looking forward to showing our parents. 




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This half term we are looking at Earth and Space. We have started by looking at orbits and have focused on the Earth's orbit of the sun and the moon's orbit of the Earth.


We have performed an experiment using torches and tennis balls to further our understanding on the Earth rotating on its axis. It helped us to explain night and day. 

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Next we research the solar system and found out lots of interesting facts about each planet. 


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Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
