Autumn 1 Thankfulness
Our value this half term is ThankfulnessChristians believe that God loves and cares for them in many different ways in all aspects of their life. This is a belief shared across other faiths and one which we are exploring through different ideas in our worship. We are learning together about how we can all give thanks and praise whatever our faith or beliefs. In Collective Worship we are thinking about: How we can encourage an appreciative and thankful attitude in all members of our school community. How we can be more thankful for the things we might take for granted. How we can show Thankfulness in different ways – in our actions, not just our words. How we give thanks for new members of our school and community and how we welcome new people. Giving Thanks for God’s wonderful world.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures for ever
Harvest Festival - Wednesday 20th October 2021We celebrated our Harvest service outside, in God’s wonderful world, giving thanks for all the good gifts we have. Yet we know that many people do not have enough. We listened to the story of Ruth and Boaz, an example from the Old Testament where they both put other people first. We thought about how we can also look to the needs of others. In class we have learnt about COP26 and we made our promises to the planet. We thought about Fairtrade farmers and how climate change will affect them if we don’t take action being ‘Agents for Change.’
October 7th - Black History MonthIn worship this week we have celebrated Black History Month by being thankful for people who have changed our lives. Black History Month is a way of remembering important people and events. In particular it was created to celebrate black people in History who did some amazing things, stood up for what they believed in and changed the lives of many people—even our lives today. We listened to the story or Martin Luther King and looked at other courageous advocates such Harriet Tubman, Mary Seacole, Rosa Parks and Marcus Rashford. Please watch our video to discover more!
October 6th - Worship in ChurchIt’s great to be back in church for our worship with Jeremy. Hopefully we’ll all be together soon but for the moment KS1 and KS2 are taking it in turns. Jeremy is telling us lots of stories to help us think about our ‘Thankfulness’ value. We love getting involved in worship and helping out too. |
September 22nd September - Year 4 Class WorshipWorship focused on Jesus feeding the 5,000. Pupils were asked after watching a short video clip to write down some of the food they were thankful for on the prepared fish shapes. Amelia, Amelia and Fatimah led the worship. They had to choose something out of their prayer boxes to focus their prayers of thanks on. We sang Dream Small at the end. |
Please watch our Collective Worship videos to see how we have thought about giving thanks and praise over the last few weeks.
You can download a copy of them at the bottom of this page.