0161 368 2848



Our value this term is Thankfulness. The children have settled in to their new classes and we look forward to showing you all their learning!



St George's is proud to be a Fairtrade school.

Being a Fairtrade School means we have joined a worldwide movement – a movement where our young people learn that, whatever their age, they have the power to make a difference in the world. It offers a great opportunity to look at global issues such as where our food comes from and how we are connected to people around the world.

Cooking Clubs and Fairtrade

We've enjoyed using the fruit from the orchard in school to make some nice things such as apple crumbe and apple and blackberry muffins. This week in October we made fruit kebabs which we drizzled with melted Fairtrade chocolate. Delicious and healthy!

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Fairtrade Harvest in the community.

We took our Fairtrade message to the Methodist Church in Hyde and led the whole Harvest Service on Sunday 6th October 2024. Children from Key Stage 2 performed a drama about the journey of cocoa to emphasise the many people involved in the journey from bean to bar. The service was about thankfulness and the Fairtrade theme fitted very well into a Harvest service.

Some of our parents came along to support the school and we took a Fairtrade Stall which made £50 with some generous donations. Thank you to the mums who helped set it up and to Mrs Mather for putting the service together. The congregation were delighted to have us and we were made very welcome.

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FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 9 -20th September 2024

This move to September for Fairtrade Fortnight, was always going to be tricky for schools. We only have 4 in Ethos group since a number moved up to High School, but despite this, we still wanted to celebrate Fairtrade and involve our families.

We planned a Fairtrade baking competition using as many Fairtrade ingredients as possible, for children and their families and had a fantastic response with around 20 fabulous cakes. This was  part of a Fairtrade tea and coffee afternoon on Friday 20th September. It was lovely to see some of our new Reception parents there too.

We invited Martin Bates from the CO OP, who very generously provided the biscuits on the tables, information and prizes for every child who took part: - a bag of Maltesers ( Fairtrade of course!) and a colouring book about the Co op and Fairtrade. Martin brought a big birthday card for people to sign to wish Fairtrade Happy 30 Years!!!

The winner received a bunch of Fairtrade roses and the whole afternoon was a great success. Martin sampled every cake and then we sold off the cakes afterwards. We watched a short video from Fairtrade Schools explaining the key messages of supporting farmers and workers through a change to our shopping habits. Fairtrade impacts not just the farmers but whole communities through the Fairtrade Premium. This was a great start to the new school year.

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Year 6 Leavers' treat at  JUST-ICE  Poynton. "Every visit helps change a life."

Just-Ice is an ethical ice cream shop in Poynton and has only been open for two years.. We heard about it last year and it's somewhere we've wanted to visit. This was the opportunity! Five Year 6 Ethos Members went on Tuesday 23rd July in the afternoon with Mrs McKeown and Mrs Hewitt. We had an ice cream sundae each and chatted to one of the staff called Frances who is part the Stockport Fairtrade Group. The shop use Fairtrade cocoa, sugar and bananas in their ice creams and support people who have been trafficked by employing them in the ice cream making business which is in a different premises. She asked about our Fairtrade work and told us some of their ideas. She talked about a Bake Off and how the mayor came and chose the winning entry at one of the schools she was involved

with. It was a wonderful afternoon and thanks to Jo Rodman the manager for reserving us a table and kindly doing a deal on the sundaes for us. The ice cream was delicious!! Thank you.https://just-icepoynton.org/

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Last Fairtrade Stall for this school year.

Thank you to everyone who supported this stall. We will have another stall on the last day so we can buy new stock ready for the next year.

What we buy makes a difference!Fairtrade Stall 18 July 24. (2)JPG.JPG

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Fairtrade products

We're always on the lookout for Fairtrade products! We've seen Fairtrade limes from Brazil  in Lidl and Ethos group enjoyed Fairtrade icecreams from the Co op on their last session together on 18th July. Thank you to Year 6 who will be leaving next week and to the whole group who have worked hard to share the values through all the different things we've done this year.

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Year 6 Leavers.

Our Year 6 Ethos members are happily wearing their new Fairtrade hoodies. We are very grateful to St George's church for their generous subsidy which has meant we've worked with Koolskools again and supported their Fairtrade cotton uniform business.

This is the reply from the company director Andy Ashcroft when we wrote to thank him. 

"We think it is awesome when schools like St George's embrace Fairtrade in such a comprehensive way, and really understand why we are doing this. We are still only a small company, but hopefully we punch above our weight in terms of our impact on conventional trading in the notoriously profits driven school uniform industry.  We could not do all that we do without the support of schools like St George's. Thank you".


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Our Fairtrade Notice Board Summer 2024

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This board is a compilation of work from Harvest, our 30 years of Fairtrade competition and posters from the Great Big Green Week.

It is always a work in progress.

We look forward to our Fairtrade Speaker coming in July to speak to us about her work and connections in Nepal.


Fairtrade Hoodies have arrived for Year 6!

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Walk and Picnic in the Park GBGW   2024

We had a fantastic day on Saturday 20th June, albeit a week late, but we still  celebrated the Great Big Green Week by meeting at school and walking down to Hyde Park. About 70 children, parents and staff walked together and we met up with about another 20 who had made their own way there.

We had fun in the sunshine, shared a picnic and played on the swings. Everyone had a great time. We  shared some leaflets amongst the parents explaining more about Fairtrade and the impact of climate change.

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Setting off
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On the way



At the Park


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Leaflets shared with the families in the park and with Governors at their meeting later that week.

Our Great Big Green Week 2024


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We've had a busy week using social media, school Dojo and the newsletter to spread the word about Fairtrade and encouraging our families to swap to Fairtrade products. https://www.fairtrade.org.uk/media-centre/blog/swaps-for-good-during-great-big-green-week/

Ethos group used their meeting time to go litter picking down Great Norbury Street and around Millenium Green Park. Thanks to our student teacher's contacts at Hattersley's Tesco

we've got lots of past their best plants to use in Foundation Stage and around school. The walk and picnic has been moved to next week because of the poor weather forecast.

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Fairtrade Products in Primark June 2024

After searching lots of Primarks - I finally found these products in Liverpool! The products had been mentioned last year in Fairtrade Foundation's newsletter.

The Fairtrade ingredients are olive oil and shea butter which means the farmers who produce this, get a fair price for what they do. It's nice to find other Fairtrade items in different shops. Keep your eyes open if you shop in Primark nearer home.

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Fairtrade beauty products in Primark

GREAT BIG GREEN WEEK 8- 16th June 2024

Ethos group and Eco Club are joining forces to get ready for this year's Great Big Green Week. Last year's walk and picnic in the park was a great success so we're going to repeat it. We'll also do some litter picking that week too.

We hope to meet outside school on Saturday 15th June at 10.45am and walk together to Hyde Park. Parents, prams and school children are all welcome. Parents need to accompany their little ones. We'll then eat near the bandstand area and have time in the park. Let's hope it stays fine!

Fairtrade supporters nationwide will come together for a momentous celebration of community action to tackle climate change. Because the same communities punished by unfair trade are living with the worst effects of the climate crisis.  So, this Great Big Green Week, let's #SwapTogether for good. 

Ethos group will do some work around this idea of swapping to Fairtrade.

If you aren't sure what items are fairly traded, paste this link into your browser.



Fairtrade and Cooking Club April - May 2024

Cooking club have enjoyed this half term's recipes and we use Fairtrade ingredients wherever we can.

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Fairtrade Stall March 2024

Ethos group are becoming more experienced and made sure all the classes knew about the stall on 21st March at break and after school. We sold £94 worth of stock which was excellent. The Childrens' Nutrition Team are recognising that this stall is now less frequent and alongside some changes to our school dinner menu and some exercise at Breakfast Club are now willing to give us the Gold Healthy Schools Award.


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Mrs McKeown has joined the Greater Manchester Fairtrade Network and has been part of organising this special day. If you fancy a day out, come along and join the fun!


Ethos group worked hard helping cut out some of the craft for the day. They were rewarded by choosing a Divine bar bought by Mrs McKeown to say thank you for the help.


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2024 marks 30 years of Fairtrade. We are talking as a group and deciding how to engage with some of these ideas and come up with some of our own! Ethos group and anyone from school are taking up the challenge from Glossopdale Fairtraders to design a 30th birthday card as part of a competition. The  cards will be judged on 11 March 2024.

Ethos group worked hard to draft and design some entries for this competition. They had to research Fairtrade and think about who the card was from eg, a shopper, trader, Fairtrade farmer or community impacted by the Fairtrade premium. 2 of our group won and they received a Fairtrade goodie bag with stickers and chocolate treats. We were also given a Fairtrade book to put in our library so more people can learn about Fairtrade. We gave some Lidl Easter eggs to the runners up in school as every entry was excellent!

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After starting to collect wrappers in February 2023 at the start of Fairtrade Fortnight, we have now covered the board. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. We've a whole variety of chocolate, but there's also space for teas, coffees, sugars, bananas, flowers, nuts, juice and wine. Such a fantastic choice of fairly traded products for us to buy.  We have the opportunity to change people's lives by how we shop and buying Fairtrade makes such a difference.


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October 2023 - Harvest celebrations with a focus on Fairtrade from each year group.

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October 2023 - School is back and Fairtrade remains a huge part of our vision for a fairer world.

We now have new members in Ethos group with keen students from year 4, 5 and 6. They were excited to be part of our stall this half term and helped advertise the stall and learned to sell and manage the money.         

We made over £80 and the small non food items sold really well. These were bought in Justicia- a Fairtrade shop in Bolton. which we'll use again. Mrs McKeown is making links with other traders by being part of the Greater Manchester Fairtrade group.

We have heard about a Fairtrade Event in November run by Stockport Fairtraders and there is a schools conference in Hudderfield in March led by Fair and Funky plus another Fairtrade event in Rochdale next year.


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Ethos group

We had our final meeting on Thursday 20th July 2023 and had a fire using Fairtrade Charcoal from the Co op in the Spiritual Garden. We toasted bread and crumpets and spread them with Fairtrade jam. We enjoyed juice and biscuits and said goodbye to our Year 6 members who have been faithful and enthusiastic members whilst they've been at St George's. We hope they may go on to promote Fairtrade in their High Schools.

We then had a stall after the Year 6 performance on the same evening and sold lots of Fairtrade treats to parents and friends who'd come to watch " Let Loose." We sold around £100 of treats so will need to restock over the summer.

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Fairtrade Stall July 2023

Ethos group are honing their skills in running the stall and this half term our advertising was much better!

We had a lot of customers at break and again after school. We discussed other ideas and felt it would be nice to have a stall after the Y6 evening production on Thursday 20th July.

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We made £110 so thank you to everyone for your support.



Great Big Green Week 2023

A fantastic week of good weather meant we were able to litter pick in the school grounds and at Millenium Green Park near school as part of our After School Clubs as planned.

Around 60 children and adults met on Saturday 17th June outside school to walk to Hyde Park together. Despite the grey skies and odd bit of drizzle everyone was excited to be together. We shared food and fun on the park. It was a celebration of being together but also enjoying our green spaces and keeping them nice for everyone to enjoy.


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Fairtrade Schools newsletters keep us updated on what is happening with Fairtrade nationally. Fairtrade's concerns about the environment and the impact on farmers has encouraged us to partner with the Climate Coalition and get involved with the Great Big Green Week. This is a week long celebration of action to tackle climate change and protect nature from 10th - 18th June. As a result, Gardening Club and Ethos group have done litter picks in the school grounds and Millenium Green Park and the school is having a walk and picnic in Hyde Park on Saturday 17th June. We are meeting at the school gates at 10.30am and will all walk together. Everyone is welcome.


  Wealthy governments and businesses need to take bold action to deliver Climate Justice. But we don't need to wait for them to act. Choosing Fairtrade whenever you can is one way you can take on climate change every day. When you choose Fairtrade, you are choosing to support a fairer deal for farmers and workers in the countries most affected by climate change. The extra income, extra support from the Fairtrade Producer Networks and extra powers Fairtrade can offer is often critical in whole communities' ability to recover from climate disasters and build sustainable futures.

New Products May 2023

As our display board continues to grow we have learned that the COOP are now selling Fairtrade tomatoes and Primark are stocking beauty products using Fairtrade olive oil and shea butter. Please keep the wrappers coming in, the board is looking great. We definitely eat a lot of chocolate! Transform Trade have taken over from Traidcraft who have ceased trading so we should still be able to stock our stalls which are held at the end of each half term.

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Fairtrade Fornight 2023

Our display board is filling up very nicely with fairtrade wrappers and packets! It's wonderful to see the variety of things we eat and enjoy which are Fairtrade!

Thank you to everyone who has bought Fairtrade and sent things in. Please keep sending things in until the board is full.




The last day in school of Fairtrade Fortnight brought a treat of Fairtrade chocolate and banana milkshakes. We used Fairtrade drinnking chocolate and cocoa and Fairtrade bananas in the shakes. We bought Fairtrade apple and orange juice from Greggs for those who couldn't have dairy. Some of Ethos group helped to make and serve them. It was great fun! Everyone enjoyed them from Nursery up to Year 6! Our Worship Table throughout the fortnight displayed lots of the different things people can buy that's Fairtrade.

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Ethos held another stall in the second week of Fairtrade Fortnight and sold over £100 worth of chocolate and other goods. Some of these things had been sourced in the Fairtrade shop in the Wesley Methodist Centre in Chester but it was well supported at breaktime and then after school. Janet the Community Champion from Asda came to talk to us and was impressed with our shop!

We've done a lot of learning through school and it's been great to see what each class has done.Year 5 have done some great research into the Fairtrade premium and understand this extra that Fairtrade give to communities.


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St George's display promoting Fairtrade 


Classes have been learning about Fairtrade and have been busy running laps of the playground as part of the collective marathon. Fairtrade wappers have been coming in so thank you all for the Fairtrade products you are buying and sending the wrappers into school.

Ethos group took part in a Fairtrade Get Together on Zoom on Friday 3rd March with over 81 other schools taking part which was exciting. The theme was about how our favourite foods are under threat from climate change and how Fairtrade is helping farmers learn how to cope with these changes.

We are delighted that Asda have put up a display in store alongside Fairtrade goods. We are welcoming Janet the Community Champion into school this week to chat after our Fairtrade stall on Thursday 9th.

We'll end the week with Fairtrade milkshakes - chocolate or banana with a non dairy alternative for those who need it.


Does your favourite food have a future.jpg

Ethos group have been working hard planning for the fortnight. We are doing a collective marathon where everyone will run part of the 390 laps of the playground to make up the 26 miles of a marathon! We're going to be doing this as a sponsored event over the next two weeks and build up the amount. of laps run, then celebrate with Fairtrade banana milkshakes when we finally complete it!!

We are also trying to encourage our families and friends to buy more Fairtrade and every wrapper we bring in will go on the notice board as part of our big display.

We thought that if the supermarkets promoted Fairtrade products more then perhaps more people might buy them so we've written to Asda, Lidl, Morrisons and Aldi and hand delivered the letters.

Asda are keen to work with us so please look out for a Fairtrade table and our display board.

Letter to Aldi.png




We are absolutely delighted to receive the highest school award again for the way St George's promotes and learns about Fairtrade. The following comments were from the team who look at the evidence we submitted. Thank you to everyone for making this possible!

What a brilliant application- a joy to read through and assess! Congratulations on all that your pupils and staff have achieved so far and please do continue to keep up the wonderful work within St Georges C.E. Primary School. We especially enjoyed reading about the HUGE variety of Fairtrade activities that you've organised both in and out of the classroom throughout a very difficult couple of years within the education sector. Well done to all involved and to your Ethos Group for keeping you on track throughout.

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May 2022 end of term stall

We sold £100 worth of goods!

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queueing patiently!


Fairtrade Fortnight 2022

Our worship table for Fairtrade Fortnight 2022


Fairtrade Fortnight officially ends on the 6th March but since we only returned to school on 28th February after half term, we have decided to extend our celebrations to have our own fortnight.

Nursery started the week with learning about Pablo the banana and then enjoyed Fairtrade bananas on pancakes with Fairtrade sugar for Shrove Tuesday ( pancake day.)

We had a very exciting day on Wednesday when Ethos group led collective worship and shared about the journey of chocolate through a drama showing the supply chain and had a quiz where we guessed what different products were.

We enjoyed Fairtrade hot chocolates as part of World Book Day and each class enjoyed a story dressed in our pyjamas. We were given by Sara Parker some beautiful handmade bookmarks to share with Key Stage 2. These are made by a women's group in Bangladesh and are fairly traded.

Year 3 have been learning about Fairtrade products and the Fairtrade premium which changes lives and communities.

Reception have enjoyed Fairtrade banana smoothies and learning about Pablo the banana the Fairtrade logo and cotton. Year 4 have designed posters and Year 6 have created fact files about Fairtrade. Year 5 will link their learning about the Victorians and the mills to Fairtrade cotton in the coming weeks.

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  World Book Day - pyjamas. stories and fairtrade hot chocolates
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Year 4 posters


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Reception making banana smoothies


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Year 6 fact files

We finished our Fairtrade Fortnight on the 10th March with a cake and coffee afternoon. It was a real joy to welcome parents back into school to sample Fairtrade teas and coffee and enjoy the Fairtrade baking each class had done. It was a wonderful afternoon and Year 6 Ethos group gave a presentation about Fairtrade to everyone who came. We were very pleased to welcome our community Co op Champions to the event and we shared how generous they have been in supplying everyting we've needed to do the baking. Not just the Fairtrade chocolate and sugars but also the eggs, butter and flour. The ladies from the Wake Up Wednesday group did a fabulous job serving the refreshments and the children from Ethos came and helped on the Fairtrade stall after school for anyone who was still around. We sold a lot of our stock and we were very pleased at how school have supported everything this Fairtrade Fortnight. Thank you everyone.

Class baking
class baking
Enjoying being back together
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Selling the cakes


We are excited to be launching the option to buy Fairtrade School Uniform in March 2022.

This is linking with KoolSkools who we have bought our Leavers' hoodies from last year and hopefully will do again this year. We have been talking to Andy Ashcroft from KoolSkools who came to share with us in December and we now have St George's uniform on their buying page. We will be learning about Fairtrade cotton during the fortnight and ETHOS group have been planning activities for the school to get involved in. We are hoping to link up with celebrating  World Book Day on 3rd March for some fun! We have invited a speaker to come and talk about her links with a Fairtrade producer group in Nepal and she has puppets made from there and some stories to share with Key Stage 1.

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Fairtrade board showing off the Fairtrade Uniform
A Fairtrade Cotton uniform company based in Southampton


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Fairtrade cotton Leaver's Hoodies.

Fairtrade Advent Challenge 2021

School decided to do something different this year  as part of our Advent Challenge to think about courageous advocacy. We have previously focused on supporting our Foodbank but this is part of what we do all the time now. We decided to have a different challenge for the whole school each week of Advent. We challenged the school to look out for the Fairtrade logo in the shops and buy Fairtrade goods. Another challenge was to bring in items to help with the Afghan Appeal.


KoolSkools Fairtrade Cotton December 2021

We had a visitor on Thursday from Andy who runs KoolSkools, a Fairtrade uniform company based in Southampton. He spoke to KS2 about Fairtrade cotton and encouraged us all to think about the process involved in making our clothes and what the lives of cotton farmers are like.We reflected on the amount of money the farmers and factory workers must get when we buy items that are really cheap. School have used this company when parents buy the hoodies for Year 6 as they get ready to leave.

As a Fairtrade school it is great we have the opportunity to learn more about how Fairtrade works.

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ADVENT SUNDAY 28.11.2021

ETHOS group were invited to Central Methodist church in Hyde to led worship around the work we have been doing to raise awareness of our need to protect the planet and being Agents of Change. The church has been looking at becoming an ECO church and were interested in our work. Six of our Year 6 ETHOS group led beautifully as they shared about the work around our leaves and promises to the planet, our work with the Foodbank and Fairtrade and sang their Legacy song. The congregation were moved by their readings and prayers and their drama about the Good Samaritan. After the service, ETHOS group had a FAIRTRADE stall which made over £70. The congregation also donated the money raised by the monring's takings for tea and coffee after the service which was very kind and we were made very welcome. We shared the Kingdom Coffee brochure with the kitchen staff at the church in case they would consider switching to Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar. It was a wonderful morning

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The whole school joined with ETHOs group in writing their pledges on leaves around their promises to the planet and the hopes they have for the politicians meeting in November in Glasgow. These were gathered together and hung in the Hall as a constant reminder. Classes have also been working on COP26 and Fairtrade as part of their learning.


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Fairtrade Stall - October 2021

We continue to show our support for Fairtrade by having a stall on the last day before the half term holidays. ETHOS group took orders from each class, bagged them up and then took the orders back to class to enjoy at the end of the day. It was a great success and we sold £160 worth of Fairtrade products!





We celebrated Harvest outside with parents too and we were so thankful it didn't rain. Our focus was on Climate Change and the COP 26 gathering. We prayed for world leaders and shared our own pledges for the planet and our hopes for what our leaders will do. Our bible reading about Boaz and Ruth reminded us of the need to notice others and be generous. We asked for donations for the Foodbank and that some Fairtrade items might be included and it was wonderful to see how kind everyone has been. 


Our leaf pledges to the planet and our donations to the Foodbank


Our Harvest collection for the Foodbank

Final Day of Term

Our final day of term and for the INSET,  staff were treated to a variety of Fairtrade drinks to enjoy.

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Ethos Group BBQ

ETHOS group were very excited to have a BBQ as our final meeting for the year in July 2021 and to use Fairtrade charcoal! the CO OP continue to be a great source of Fairtrade products.

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Fairtrade Leaver Hoodies

Claire Arnott from the Fairtrade Foundation put St George's in touch with KoolSkools - a Fairtrade supplier of cotton garments.  We were delighted to buy our hoodies for our Leavers in July knowing that for the first time the hoodies  were made using Fairtrade cotton! We hope to welcome Andy from KoolSkools in the Autumn to share a bit more about his business and Fairtrade cotton.

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Fairtrade Fortnight

Take a look at our completed board at the end of March 2021 with a selection of baking at home during lockdown, poems, posters, artwork using the symbol in natural materials like Andy Goldsworthy and prayers. It was a fantastic Fairtrade Fortnight and the Fairtrade Foundation picked up on our Twitter feed and asked a member of staff to take part in a webinar to share how St George's supported Fairtrade in lockdown.

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Completed Board

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Year 3 learning around cocoa and its journey.

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Year 6 poster work done just after Fairtrade Fortnight.


Prior to Fairtrade Fortnight at the end of February we created a new board to share the theme and to create a backdrop for the work we would do

School had a sample of different Fairtrade drinks to add to the usual Fairtrade teas and coffee in the Staff room during Fairtrade Fortnight. 

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Lockdown Fairtrade Goodies

Members of ETHOS group who were in school during the lockdown decided we should still try and have a stall and sell our Fairtrade goodies. We used Google classrooms to let everyone know what they could order. These were bagged up and delivered by staff to pupil's homes. We made over £200 and the Fairtrade Foundation were delighted with our creativity! We also managed to lead collective worship via zoom during Fairtrade Fortnight  with ETHOS in school and ETHOS at home sharing how Fairtrade is helping farmers cope with climate change.

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This year we decided to have a Fairtrade Christmas tree to remind us about Fairtrade

 products we can use and to show other people how important Fairtrade is. We had some amazing designs from all the classes in school and the tree looked fantastic!

Fairtrade Fortnight 2020

We are excited that Fairtrade Fortnight is here and we've had a display in the Hall for a few weeks giving clues!

Ethos group have been planning some events and we have thought about our FairAchiever Challenges. We want to work with the CO- OP and also encourage churches in Hyde and the Mosque to begin their own Fairtrade journeys. We've invited them all to our Cake and Coffee afternoon on Thursday 27th February at 2.30pm to taste drinks and baking made with Fairtrade ingredients, kindly provided by the CO-OP.

Our Collective Worship on 24th February encouraged us to look for the Fairtrade mark and to realise this mark promises farmers a fair deal. Our shopping can change the world!

Coffee and Cake - Fairtrade Fortnight

Ethos group have decided to hold this event to encourage parents and church leaders to think more about Fairtrade.

Classes are baking using Fairtrade ingredients which the CO OP have donated. We're using cocoa, bananas, icing sugar, caster  sugar, soft brown sugar, chocolate and chocolate chips.

Fairtrade at Harvest 2020

We used the family of cocoa farmers from the Fairtrade Schools resources to support our learning around family this half term and make links with Fairtrade.

Year 3 watched the Fairtrade Schools films and wrote prayers, some of which were read out in our Outdoor Harvest service. 

Different classes baked using Fairtrade chocolate and bananas and learned about the people behind the things we eat and enjoy. Year 2 learned and sang a chocolate song! Year 1 enjoyed dipping Fairtrade chocolate in Fairtrade bananas!

Harvest celebrations encouraged us to be thankful for all we have and then be generous with all that God has given to us. We collected tins and packets and gave these to the Foodbank but also gave away baking we'd made using apples from our orchard to family and neighbours.

Files to Download

Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
