0161 368 2848



Our value this term is Thankfulness. The children have settled in to their new classes and we look forward to showing you all their learning!

Subject Vision Design Technology


Our Vision for Design Technology

‘Let all that you do be done in Love’
1 Corinthians 16:14

The example of Jesus Christ and the Good news that he brings inspire St George’s school to be a place of hope and a caring and inclusive community in which we all love to learn and learn to love

"Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you look deeper, it's really how it works."        Steve Jobs

Take a look at some of the Design Technology projects that we have created with the children.

We have been courageous advocates. We designed and built litter pickers then went out into the environment and used them to collect litter.

We had great fun investigating circuits using bulbs, wires and batteries.

Crumble kits are used as part of computing and programming, which follows on from Year 4 where children learn about circuits. These are often used to control moving parts in many of our projects. 

We also love cooking and learning to mix ingredients! Year 4 hold a Spanish food event each year where they prepare savoury and sweet foods that they serve to their parents and other special guests. Across school, we regularly bake and prepare a range of healthy (and not so healthy) foods. We learn about the origin of food and how balanced diets can affect us. Children love to sell cakes and food as part of their courageous advocacy and have raised lots of money! 

Please click on the images below to open the full DT Overviews

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ART DT overview pic.PNG


Please click on the image below to open the full DT Progression document


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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) Week 2022



Reception have enjoyed exploring light and dark, and have especially enjoyed telling stories using shadow puppets.


Reception STEM Week Reception STEM Week Reception STEM Week



Year 2

Which material would be best for curtains that block sunlight?
Year2 STEM week
During STEM week Year 2 we have been testing materials to work out which material would be best to make sun blocking curtains. We have found out what the words transparent, translucent and opaque mean and also investigated a variety materials to see how much light they let through. 
Year2 STEM weekYear2 STEM weekYear2 STEM week4.jpg
Making Windmills
Year 2 Making windmills
As a part of STEM week Year 2 have been designing and making a windmill for the Mouse of Amsterdam and his family. 
We have studied windmills and their design features.
After that, we used the design criteria to draw and label the windmills we were going to make. We had to consider what blade shape might turn best in the wind and add this to our designs. Our windmills were made from card and used a plastic straw to help spin the blades. 
Year2 Making Windmills
Year2 Making Windmills

Year 3

As part of our STEM week, Year 3 were challenged to design and build a paper or card boat that can float and hold the most marbles. 

We used the TASC wheel to complete our project, beginning with our current knowledge. We used our existing shared knowledge to design and choose our best design, then explored lots of D&T skills to create our final design. Testing and revising was great fun! We really enjoyed sharing our learning with Year 4 who worked on a similar project. We finished by reflecting on our learning and deciding what we would do differently, or the same next time. 
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As part of our science learning and STEM week, Year 3 have been investigating light and shadows. We created our own shadow puppets and then set up our practical experiments to investigate how shadows change with distance. There were lots of links made, pattern spotting and being curious and inquisitive like scientists! 
Year 3 Science.jpg

Year 5

In STEM week, year 5 were given a design brief: 
'You must create a model which reflects your family group element and can be used on our worship table'. 
We discussed this brief and explored existing models . We then had to create our design specification which is similar to a success criteria. We had to consider who the model was aimed at, what it should include, the size, what it might need to look like and what materials it could be made from as well as considering the impact on the environment. Next we deigned our models in pairs, labelling them carefully. Each group then looked at their different designs and either chose one or amalgamated ideas from each. This step involved a lot of discussion and compromise! Now that each group had their design they made them. It was not as easy as we thought and we had to learn from our mistakes and revise our ideas. This process involved a lot of collaboration and preseverance. We worked to a deadline and made sure everyone in the group had a role to play in the construction of our models. After completion we evaluated them. We our very proud of what we have achieved and as a class can't wait to do our next project!

Year 6

Year 6 STEM compilation1.jpg

Working in our family groups, we have conducted an experiment on sun shadows for Science.

For our D&T we collaborated to produce a model for our worship table ensuring that we followed the design process and stuck to the design brief.

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Our Home learning D&T Project challenge this half term has been to research, design, create and assess an Ancient Egyptian sarcophagus for a pharaoh. We have loved the variety of different projects and love how your grown-ups have been helping your learning too!




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Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
