Good to be Green- This system changed to the Zones of Regulation and new rewards from September 2020
Autumn 1
114 children were involved with the Good to be Green Activities as we spent time outside toasting round the fire, creating leaf art pictures and making scarecrows.
Autumn 2
129 children celebrated Autumn 2 at the start of Spring term as there is always so much going on over Christmas. As part of Healthy January 2020 we decided to have a mixture of sport with our coach, ipad time and then creating healthy people made out of fruit and vegetables which we then ate!
Spring 1 2020
118 children from Year 2 up to Year had a longer time as a result of talking to the Junior Leadership Team. Feedback meant that Years 2 and 3 had an hour in the morning and Years 4, 5 and 6 worked in housegroups for an hour in the afternoon. Mike the sports coach played cooperation team games and then we made love heart paperchains with verses from 1 Corinthians 13 written on them followed by making rice krispie, raspberry and marshmallow wands. It helped us think about love in a different way!