0161 368 2848



From all of us at St George's, have a lovely summer break. School will re-open on Wednesday 4th September.

Station 3 - Remember Me - The Last Supper

Remember Me  - The Last Supper

Invite children to gather around the table.  (13 children to sit, the rest to kneel around the back.)
Ask- Why there are 13 places laid out?
Light the candles.


KS2- Do you have any special objects that help you to remember an important time in your life? (teacher give an example of something important to them eg- kept wedding dress etc)
KS1- Do you have any objects that are special to you? Why are they special?
Rec- Do you have a favourite toy? Why do you like it? 


- When Christians meet together they will often share bread and wine to remember the last meal that Jesus had with his friends before he died.  The Bible tells us about this special time: On the night before he died Jesus had supper with his friends. He took some bread and thanking God for it he broke the bread. 

(Leader breaks bread as they read). 

Jesus gave the bread to each of his disciples and said, “Take and eat, this is my body which is given for you, do this to remember me.”
Pass a piece of bread around to each child. 
As you eat it, think of something you remember about Jesus. 
Pass the chalice for each child to have a sip of wine (Juice).  
“Take and drink, this is my blood, which will be shed for many. It will be a new promise which God will make with all people for the forgiveness of their sins.
As you drink it, think of something you remember about Jesus. 
When this is finished, wipe the chalice clean for the next group and blow out the candles.

Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
