0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's website. Our value this term is Trust.

All Ages

School will be open for some children, as announced by the government and we have contacted the families we think this refers to. If you are unsure about your situation and we haven’t rung you  please contact us to discuss this.

We know most of our families very well but do not want anyone struggling who we could help under the guidance given by the government.

We will be checking in with families on a regular basis to see how you are all doing. Teachers will phone for the children in their classes and Mrs McKeown and Mrs Coley, as Learning Mentor and Senco, may also phone to check in with you. If you need to contact us, telephone: 0161 368 2848 Or email: admin@st-georges-hyde.tameside.sch.uk

All children entitled to a free school meal, including all our children in the infants will still be able to have a free meal each day. There will be a packed lunch or a hot meal available between 12- 12.30 each day for you to come and collect or for your child to eat here. If you cannot get into school for this please let us know and we will do our best to bring it to you. If you don’t want a lunch providing, please let us know and we can let Mrs France, our school cook, know how many lunches to make.

If you want to send photos of work that your children have done or questions for teachers there are email addresses for each of the classes, so that teachers can respond. These will be looked during each school day.









It can be difficult as parents to know how to structure your day for learning at home, as it certainly isn’t the same as learning at school. However, having a routine can be important, as it helps the children to understand it isn’t just about staying in bed late or being on the ipad or play station all day!

One example of a schedule is attached to the list of useful websites being sent out, but this is an opportunity for family time and the learning that comes from spending time together, helping and talking to each other, playing board games, going for walks, baking, singing etc

Please take care and know that we are thinking of you all and that we are here to help in any way we can. Our school vision, ‘Let all that you do be done in love’ 1 Corinthians 16:14, is how we are striving to put our faith into action in these difficult times.


Books and Reading

Amazon.co.uk - Children's Books

British Council Short stories for Kids

Free Children Stories.com

MagicKeys.com - Children's Storybooks Online

PBS KIDS - Reading Games

Reading A Z - Downloadable books to print and assemble

Reading Rockets.org

UK Children's Books - Directory of authors, illustrators, publishers


Disney LOL - Online Games

Education.com - Educational Games for Kids' Early Learning

Fisher Price - Online Games for Kids

Funology - Crafts, Projects, Science Experiments, and Recipes for Young Children

Good News Network.org/kids

IXL - Maths and English Practice

Kidspsych.org - Games for children ages 1 to 5

Knowledge Adventure - Educational games online

Learn4good.com - Free Online Kids Games

Nickelodeon - Preschool Games

PBS Kids.org - Games

Scholastic News Online


BBC - History For Kids

Duckster.com - World and US History for Kids

History for Kids - Funny & Educational Poems

History for Kids.net - Fun Facts and Social Studies

KidsPast.com - History For Kids

Homework Help / Reference

Encyclopedia Britannica

Fact Monster.com - Homework Help, Dictionary, Encyclopedia

HomeWork Elephant - Homework help at your fingertips

Quatr.us - History & Science Facts

Simple English Wikipedia

Topmarks Education - teaching resources, interactive resources, worksheets, homework, exam and revision help

Kid's Portals & Safe Searching

Dibdabdoo.com - Child kid safe search

DMOZ Tools.net/Kids and Teens

Family Friendly Search.com - Parenting, Pregnancy and Family

Funbrain.com.Games, Videos, and Books for Kids

Kiddle - Visual search engine for kids

KidRex - Kid Safe Search Engine

KidsClick.org - Web Search

KidSites.com - Your Guide to the Best Kid Sites on the Web

KOL Search

PBS KIDS Pitara Kids Network

Surfnetkids - Educational website reviews, games, puzzles

News & Global Issues

BBC Newsround

Breaking News English - News for Kids

CNN 10 - News in 10 minutes

DOGO News - Kids news articles

First News.CO.UK - Weekly newspaper for children

Herald Sun.au - Kids News

Kiwi Kids News.co.nz

Teaching Kids News.com

The Washington Post - KidsPost

Science & Nature

Discovery Kids

European Space Agency - Space for Kids

NASA Kids' Club

National Geographic Kids

Science News for Students.org

Smithsonian Tween Tribune - Articles for kids, middle school

The Why Files - The Science Behind the News


BBC Newsround - Sports news

Sports Illustrated Kids - US Sports News for Kids 



Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
